Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dance in the City

Well last night was interesting.. I knew I would cross paths with that one night that would brake me down... just didn't think it was going to happen in Hip-Hop. I guess the good thing is though, I wasn't criticized for my dancing , but for asking a question... ehhhh egotistical dancers ... I will say this though, I was having a bit of an issue performing under pressure and after the dance de dusche made a complete mockery of me in class, the nervousness was gone and I nailed the routine no problem! take that sr snooty!!! anyways so after that I basically sobbed on Katie's shoulder for a good 15 minutes and then vented to Tara.. uhhh gotta love getting ur pride tap danced on. However, now im in a bit of a situation... I don't know to take his class again just to prove him wrong or if I shouldn't waist my money on time on a class when I didn't even like his choreo... ehhhh

Another funny thing happened last night, I got an unexpected text from a very unexpected blast from the past. And he asked a simple question that put soooo much into prospective. "When are you coming back?" my answer: " I don't think I am" It was surreal to get it out of my head and to actually voice the idea. well not voice.. text but still...ahhh I love this city and I hope I don't ever have to leave :) :) :)

By the way Im reading this book about creating a career out of your passion so I will be signing off with a quote from the book.
"Life-altering change comes not when things are easy, but difficult."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your quote britt. Just remember that when you are having a difficult day. Those days make you better and make you who you are and who you are meant to become.