Tuesday, September 30, 2008

mmmmmm chia latte

Ok so right now im drinking, yes once again, a chai latte. But thats ok cuz i woke up an hour early and went on a run. Nothing like meeting your neighbors in a sweat drenched t-shirt. Any who i have so much to tell about my weekend!!! So Thursday night i went out dancing with the girls. I seriously love hanging out with those girls more than anything! My DT rebels (minus morgan). What you know bout manic Mondays???? 

Anywho on Friday I hung out with my Roxy! she is the best dog in the whole world. Later that night i went to work at a bat mitzvah with one of my dancers Carlos. We had so much fun/ and awsome work out just chillen with a bunch a little kids, eating dank food, and getting PAID 4 IT! ye ya talk about living the life! I than continued my night at Chef Karimes and partied it up with Maris, Beca, Linds, Ryan, Kyle, 2D and the rest of the gang. It was really fun especially when i was 
challenged to a dance battle against 2D. Hilarious. 

Saturday I had a Fusion dance company photo shoot. Fun fun fun. I thought it was going to be super awkward having ppl tell me to look all serious and what not. But instead they just took candids of us playing/dancing on the beach. I love it. We than moved brunch down to Denny's where I got to hold Kara's baby.

Sat night i spent with my girls once again Linds, Beca, and Maris. We all went to 3-6 Mafia which whas LAME!!!!!!! oH WELL. at least we all looked cute. 

Sunday was a good day too! I got up late, took a walk down town, when all of sudden Kara (dance company founder) jumped on me from behind and had me come join her for lunch with the baby, her husband, and Ashley (fusion dancer). They are seriously like my extended family. I love them so much.  We then went and watched Brad Pitt in his new movie. He was by far my favorite character and was super funny!!!! 

So ya i would have to say that life is absolutely amazing here in SB. i think i just need to stay focused with school and dance. OHHHHHHHH and i just one more dance thought i need to share. Last night at Jazz i learned the most fun dance to a shiny toy guns song that totally reminded me of Morgan and Nikki. 

1 comment:

Morgan said...

A) SO SAD i missed the night out for soph's bday.

B) It makes me ridiculously happy that shiny toy guns reminds you of me. Like you dont even know.

and C) i think ive commented on every post now. I <3 your blog.